Synenergy is a Greek company specialising in the planning and design of electricity transmission lines.
We have extensive experience and highly qualified staff. We create reliable and sustainable solutions for our customers and continuously evolve, in line with the latest developments in the energy sector.
Years of experience
Projects for years 2021-22
km Designed in years 2021-22
Our Values

We are distinguished for our consistency, the responsible finding of integrated solutions and the flawless execution of our projects.

We monitor research developments, we adopt innovative methods and we respond to modern challenges effectively.

Our priority is the satisfaction of our customers, the creation of suitable working conditions for our staff and the protection of the natural environment.

We operate with honesty in our transactions and openness in our arrangements.

We keep our identity unchanged and remain true to the values and visions that inspired our founders.
Our Goals
Synenergy Advisors is always a point of reference in the energy sector. Our goals are:
- Continuous improvement of the quality of the offered design and consulting services, while adapting to the needs of each customer
- Application of modern methods of corporate management and operation, continuous training of our employees, team spirit and achievement of results through everyone’s contribution
- Building relationships of mutual respect and consistency
Corporate Responsibility
Creating an optimal working environment:
We cultivate conditions of safety, mutual respect and cooperation among our team members. We fully guarantee the labour rights of all our partners.
Investing in knowledge:
We encourage the continuous development and lifelong training of our staff through the attendance of educational programmes and training seminars.
Environmental responsibility:
We apply a waste management policy in order to reduce our environmental footprint. We minimise interventions in the natural environment and seek to save energy.